The Counseling Department assists students, parents, and teachers in the development of the whole student. The counselor is always willing to listen in an effort to facilitate the steps in problem solving. The goal is always to reach a solution that is most beneficial to all concerned.
The Counseling Department coordinates many student services in addition to assistance plans, including:
School counselors also work with students by presenting programs on bullying, harassment, and other behavioral issues. All schools in the Diocese of Baton Rouge follow the Guidelines for Catholic Schools in the State of Louisiana for Addressing Individual Student Needs. (Diocesan Policy Parents and students in grades 6-12 are also encouraged to download the free StopIt! App, an anonymous reporting app that allows families to communicate with school counselors and administration if they witness incidents of bullying, harassment, or other inappropriate behaviors affecting St. John students. School counselors follow up on all information submitted through this app.
For help with school technology such as student Chromebooks or classroom devices, please click here for assistance.
For other questions, please contact:
Elementary/Middle School Office
(225) 687-6616
High School Office
(225) 687-3056